Cost Plus World Market
Food Manager
Internship Logs
9/12/2020 - 2hrs, 30 mins.
Researched Italian food recipes and edited a slide show.
9/13/2020 - 3hrs, 20mins
Researched Italian food recipes and edited a slide show.
9/20/2020 - 30mins.
Re-wrote slide based on historical information about Pasta Di Gragnano and found pictures.
11/2/2020 - 30 mins.
Sorted through and sent photos over to a blank slideshow.
11/3/2020 - 1hr, 15mins
Transfered photos to a slideshow and organized them accordingly in preparation for a future presentation.
11/23/2020 - 1hr, 20mins
Transferred photos and organized them into a slideshow I created.
11/25/2020 - 1hr
Organized photos into categories/folders.
1/21/2021 - 2hrs, 30mins.
I archived reports and organized them into categories.
2/20/2021 - 5hrs.
I cut out labels, recorded sale prices and marketing numbers, and organized the labels.
3/20/2021 - 2hrs.
I edited a speech that my guardian is preparing to give.
Total Hours = 20hrs, 55mins
Weekly Journals
Week #1: 9/7 to 9/11 (2020)
The first week hasn’t been too difficult. One of the projects that I’ll be working on for the next couple of weeks or so involves researching specific Italian foods, supposedly the top ten popular ones in different regions. So far, I’ve managed to finish the first two regions and have successfully added recipes and instructions onto a slideshow that my supervisor has shared with me. Researching skills, note-taking skills, and organizing skills have been practiced, as well as some editing skills to make sure that the slides are appropriate for presenting.
Week #2: 9/20 (2020)
This week has been relatively slow. The chaperone guiding me through my internship has faced personal family health problems, so availability to assign and explain projects has been limited. However, I was still able to work on researching the past of Pasta Di Gragnano, rewriting an information slide, and placing pictures in the presentation. Like with my first project, it involved a lot of researching skills and organizing with the various notes that needed to be on each slide. When it came to placing pictures, I was able to get a bit creative with placement and sizing.
Week #3: 11/2 to 11/3 (2020)
Looking forward, my internship guide has claimed that projects are likely going to be shorter and more frequent. For this week’s project, all I had to do was transfer pictures from a phone to a computer before organizing them into presentable slides. I did a lot of designing for this project, which involved organizing and judgment of what would look visually appealing. Same-type foods were obviously placed on the same slides, but the sub-types also needed to be taken into accounts or how the foods were displayed and what the brands were.
Week #4: 11/23 to 11/29 (2020)
For this week’s project, it’s been heavily focused on creating picture-based presentations. It’s required exercising much of my knowledge on technology with transferring photos and arranging them/saving them on various drives so that I could pull them for the presentation. I’ve also had to heavily work on my organizational and planning skills. Presentations need to be presentable, but still visually appealing.
Week #5: 1/18 to 1/22 (2021)
After some time off of the project (due to my guardian’s personal reasons), I was asked to come back and do some archiving. I did a lot of searching, categorizing, and overall organizing of several reports. I’d say that, in this specific case, it was a lot of work into my skills of organization and attention to detail. Every report had to be sorted into a specific folder, ones that I had to identify and label; nonetheless.
Week #6: 2/15 to 2/21 (2021)
I had more of a hands-on experience in the workplace this time. The first task was pretty simple in theory, but in actuality, it was a real test of my awareness. When cutting out the labels, I was told that they needed to look as perfect as possible. Although, personally, I already would have had an issue with the appearance if I let them come out in different lengths or widths. With that in mind, using a paper cutter and trying to guess where to cut so that everything came out “perfectly” was quite stressful. With the next task, marking prices and numbers onto those labels, there was a lot of perseverance and focus. I had to make sure all of the numbers were correct and labeled so that they could be properly placed later. Lastly, organizing them. Again, easy in theory. I chose to organize most of them in numerical order, though the different sessions sometimes meant that I had to do more separating than I would have liked. It was all a test of how much I could keep track of at once. Seeing as how everything got done and nothing got mixed up, I’d like to think I did pretty well.
Week #7: 3/15 to 3/20 (2021)
I did a lot of editing on the computer today. My guardian was preparing to give a speech/verbal report about products and values. They needed me to go over their speech; somewhat of a rehearsal, but mostly to work out any kinks. With that in mind, there was a lot of practice with semi-public speaking, exercising proper grammar, and organization. I don’t know if being able to edit someone’s work efficiently counts as a skill to practice and improve on as well, but if it is then I’ll say that it was done.
Closing Statement
Interning for an individual in charge of managing food at Cost Plus World Market has been an interesting experience. Mostly because it wasn't as single-tasked as I had originally thought it would be. I wasn't only doing research on food topics, recipes, or the history of certain dishes. I was also editing slides that professionals had created for important meetings, speeches that my guardian was to give their entire team, and getting more "hands-on" experience in a warehouse aesthetic environment. Essentially, there was a lot of variety among the tasks that needed to be completed. It gave me many chances to practice a multitude of skills that weren't new to my life but seemed to have more importance when in a more professional/work formal environment. The main ones included organization, being tech-knowledgable, and more experience in editing. Given that I want to pursue a career path in writing, I'd actually say that this internship helped a lot with the skills I needed to consistently put to use.